On Sunday June 26, 2016, the newly elected Northeastern Conference Executive Committee met to select conference departmental directors who will serve for the next quadrennium, as directed by the delegates during the June 5th constituency session. After prayerful consideration and dialogue the following individuals were elected to serve until 2020 by the Executive Committee:
Assistant to the President
for Communication: JeNean Lendor
Adventist Book Center: Stacy Gordon-Dally
Community Services: Fitzgerald Kerr
Education Superintendent: Viola Chapman
Family Life Directors: Pollyanna Prosper-Barnes & Baldwin Barnes
Franco-Haitian Ministries Director: Japhet St.Louis
Health MInistries: Leroy Dailey
Hispanic Ministries Director: Hector Ramos
Ministerial Secretary: Ainsworth Joseph
Personal Ministries Director: Kendall Guy
Religious Liberty & Trust Svcs: Lawrence Brown
Sabbath School Superintendent: Pablo Huerfano
Stewardship Secretary: Ferron Francis
Women’s Ministry Director: Mireille St. Pierre
Youth Ministries Director David McKenzie