welcome message

Adventurers Ministries

The Adventurer Club is a Seventh-day Adventist Church-sponsored ministry open to all families of children in grades 1-4 who agree to keep the Adventurer Pledge and Law.

What is an Adventurer

An Adventurer is a child in grades 1-4. Each Adventurer is a unique and special person. Still there are several characteristics which are typical of Adventurer-age children.


Characteristics of the Adventurer

Physical Characteristics

  • I have boundless energy
  • I am developing coordination


Mental Characteristics

  • I learn by doing
  • I am curious about everything
  • I understand what I can see and touch
  • I like variety


Socio-Emotional Characteristics

  • I am learning social skills
  • I am becoming more independent
  • I need success and approval from you
  • I am easily overexcited
  • I am very social


How to Respond

Please don’t ask me to sit still for very long. I want to DO things.
Let me improve coordination through games and creative activities.
Don’t just tell me things. Let me try them and get involved with them.
I do want to know about my world. Tell me in an interesting way.
Show me what you want me to know. Don’t expect me to understand long explanations.
Show me fun ways to use my good memory for a good purpose.
I like stories and inventing things.
Use many kinds of stories, songs, games, and activities.
Give me lots of chances to relate to others in my peer group.
Let me discover and do things by myself whenever possible.
Help me find things I can do well, and let me know that you approve of me.
I need structure and guidance to control my impulses and activities.
I love to play and talk with my friends.

Our Team

Dr. Paula Olivier

Adventist Youth & Young Adult Ministries Director