Nearly two years ago the conference administration created the Northeastern Camp Development Committee to ensure that the refurbishing of our camp would become and remain a high priority on our agenda. Composed of dedicated laypersons and workers, this body is committed to transforming CVL into a modern retreat destination for our 55,000 members. Since its commissioning, the Camp Development Committee has made numerous recommendations for the short-term and long-term development of our beloved Camp Victory Lake. As a result of its suggestions, the conference administration has implemented the following improvements on the campground:
- The complete interior/exterior remodeling of the Boys Dorm (Baker Hall)
- The ongoing renovation of the Irons Motel with individual bathrooms in each room
- Remodeling of George & Vernelle Earle Cafeteria including air conditioning & furniture
- Transformation of Earle Cafeteria basement into modern conference meeting hall
- Remodeling of the Bland House with guest suites & air conditioned cooling station
- Installation of wrought iron perimeter fence
- Enhanced picnic areas & landscaping
Attached to this letter are some photographs which illustrate some of the short-term developments currently underway. To complete the renovations in this first phase of development, we need to raise approximately $300,000. We invite you to make a contribution today to help us reach this fund-raising target.
We are also delighted to inform you that Northeastern Conference has acquired the first complete Camp Development Master Plan that demonstrates the long-term vision of our campground. Based on the surveys that were completed one year ago at camp-meeting, the NEC Camp Victory Lake Master Plan was developed. This Master Plan will feature a modernized CVL