Welcome to the website of the Northeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Our conference is comprised of a diversified membership of more than 50,000 Seventh-day Adventist believers stretching across six states in the Northeastern section of the United States.
Since the inception of our conference in 1945, our mission has been to punch holes in the moral darkness into which sin has plunged us, by vigorously engaging in the spread of the Good News of Salvation. That evangelistic fervor has catapulted our conference to be among one of the largest conferences in the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.
However, we cannot be enamored by, or satisfied with that statistic. We must now work to also make our conference one of quality and Christian loveliness. This can be accomplished only as each member and worker endeavors to be the best representative of Christ that he or she can be, whether it is in the home, the workplace, in school, or at play.
I, therefore, invite and challenge every member and worker in our great conference to join in this noble endeavor, and show the world around us the beauty of Christ.