welcome message
The Mission Statement
The Ministerial Department exists to enable, ennoble and enhance Pastors of the Northeastern Conference to perform their ministerial duties with proficiency and efficiency; and to enjoy healthy and wholesome experiences in their personal, professional and family relationships.
The NEC Health and Safety Guidelines for Churches
The Covid-19 Pandemic has reminded us that we are living in prophetic times. End-time events will change the landscape and context within which we worship and minister, however, worship is not an event, activity or program. Worship is a lifestyle, the product of a relationship with Christ, as we have experienced, Church can continue without walls.
During this period we see that God has been using the gifts of those who would allow themselves to be used by Him to minister and share the everlasting gospel. Jesus had told us that … “the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father.”
Worship is what comes from the relationship we have with the Son, and our willingness to be used by the Holy Spirit. The guidelines provided in this document are not intended to limit or stifle worship expressions, but instead, are intended to establish a system that provides safety for our members.
Download the file below:
{rsfiles path=”NEC Health Safety Guidelines for Church Operations.pdf”}
Ministerial Newsletters
Ministerial Elder’s Council
Visit the NEC Elder’s Council website Here
Upcoming Events
Equip – World Class Officers Training presented by Oakwood University and PELC.
The goal of the program is to give the local elder a well-rounded training experience that will equip him/her to function with excellence in the absence of the local pastor or alongside the pastor in the ministry of the church. At the completion of the prescribed number of training hours, the elder will graduate and receive a special Certificate of Completion from Oakwood University and PELC as a World Class Local Elder.
Download the brochure here. And visit www.pelcpower.com for more information.
Elder Leadership Syllabus
This module is designed to help elders understand biblical Christ-centered leadership. Building on this foundation the elders will be given tools to help them become more productive in their leadership role in the local church as an extension of the pastoral office.
Equip World Class Officers Training Elder Registration Form
General Conference Ministerial Resources:
Ministry in Motion is our new weekly TV program where we explore best practices for ministry! It can be found on Hope Channel (DirecTV channel 368 in North America) or on our new YouTube channel.
Revived by His Word – Join the world church in reading a chapter of the Bible each day!