welcome message
Welcome to Northeastern Conference Stewardship Ministries
Stewardship Advisory Committee – Here in Northeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, the Stewardship Ministry Department is endeavoring by God’s grace to educate, inspire, and motivate the entire constituency to become and remain faithful stewards of God. It is for this reason that the Stewardship Ministry seeks to effectively minister to everyone in the Northeastern territory by creating Stewardship Advisory Committees to serve this vast region. There are ten advisory committees: Bronx-Manhattan, Brooklyn North, Brooklyn South-Staten Island, Hudson Valley-Capital City, Long Island, New England North, New England South, Queens, Rockland –Westchester, and Western New York. In addition to these ten geographic areas, there are two special Stewardship committees which will minister to the Franco-Haitian and Hispanic/Portuguese constituencies. These Advisory Committees are made up of the local Stewardship Directors in each area and a local pastor who serves as a consultant to each committee. The Stewardship Committees plan and promote Stewardship Ministry in each respective area through various means, including one annual Stewardship area-wide weekend. During this weekend, all the Stewardship Directors within the area meet together at one of the local church for an awe-inspiring weekend.
Stewardship Emphasis Sabbath – There are four annual Conference-wide Stewardship Days in the Northeastern Conference territory. These dates are the third Sabbath in the first month of each Quarter. On these Sabbaths, all of the local churches in the Northeastern Conference territory are asked to promote the ministry of Stewardship.
Square-Up with God – The Square-Up with God campaign is an end-of-quarter message in all churches designed to remind all members to end each quarter without having any outstanding tithe and offering that should have been given during the quarter. Members are asked to “square-up” or to settle their account with God on a quarterly basis.
Children’s Tithe Envelope – Stewardship directors, in collaboration with the Children’s Ministry leaders, are asked to educate our children about the true meaning of giving back to God what is rightfully His. Children are taught that tithe is given based upon “increase” and not only upon income via pay.
Stop Struggling! Enjoy Living! Campaign – This campaign is design to encourage members of the Northeastern Conference territory to live within our means. We believe that we could do a lot more of the things we desire to do for God if we lived within our means. Members are encouraged to eliminate unnecessary debt as quickly as possible and to make choices that will prevent them from falling victim to those debts again. Making and living by realistic budgets based on one’s income is the first step to enjoying life the way God intended for us to live.
40-Day Financial Fitness Challenge Workshop – Click Here to Register
Stewardship Resources
LET’S TALK MONEY – Online Financial Series
Maximizing Your Money – Online Financial Series, Episode 2
THE GOOD STEWARD Newsletters – Download the Newsletter Issues
Stop Struggling and Enjoy Living
Square Up with God Posters
Square Up with God English Poster
Square Up with God French Poster
Square Up with God Spanish Poster
Benefits for Family and Northeastern Conference – SDA
There are several types of plans. Many of these have wonderful benefits for gift donors. Many of these families have enjoyed increased income and generous tax savings.
Steps to Wise Giving
There are several steps to help you make wise and prudent gifts. These pages are here to help you learn how gift planning ideas can be of personal benefit. Let us suggest a few steps that would help you in that process.