Despite the chilling temperatures, heavy snow, and deep freeze that we have recently been plunged into, the fire for lost souls must burn within our hearts!

This year’s evangelistic vision, Pentecost 2025, is a clarion call for every church, school, and member to actively engage in soul-winning. The spiritual urgency of this mission demands action, reminding us of the counsel of Ellen G. White, who stated,“The weighty obligation of warning a world of its coming doom is upon us.” She further admonished, “We are now living in the closing scenes of this world’s history. Let men tremble with the sense of the responsibility of knowing the truth.” As we stand on the precipice of eternity, we must passionately embrace personal and public evangelism as heavenly mandates essential for the fulfillment of our mission.

The Atlantic Union Conference leads the charge with the ‘Manila for Christ’ initiative, an evangelistic campaign set in Manila, Philippines. A delegation of Northeastern Conference pastors, laity, and medical personnel have joined forces with other members of our Union to share the life-transforming power of the gospel. With sixty evangelistic sites across the Manila metropolitan area, we anticipate a mighty harvest, culminating in the baptism of hundreds of souls on Sabbath, January 24. It is inspiring to witness the light of the gospel reach receptive hearts across distant shores, reminding us that the mission is global but begins locally—with us.

The Northeastern Conference administration is committed to fostering a culture of evangelism in every church, school, and community. From community outreach programs to Bible studies, health ministries, and youth initiatives, every member has a role to play. No effort is too small in the eyes of Heaven. Together, we can ensure that our neighborhoods are saturated with the light of Christ.

As we navigate the final chapters of earth’s history, the imminent return of our Lord propels us to reflect His love, kindness, and truth in our daily lives. This divine commission is not reserved for a select few—it is the privilege and responsibility of every believer. I urge you to recommit to this holy cause, to partner with Heaven in the salvation of souls, and to let the light of Jesus shine through you.

The Northeastern Conference invites every member, young and old, to renew their covenant with God and take intentional steps toward evangelistic engagement. Host a Bible study, volunteer for community service, support public evangelistic initiatives, or simply share your testimony. Together, through these dedicated efforts, we can illuminate the path to eternity for countless souls and hasten the glorious return of our Savior.

Let us join hands and hearts, united in mission, unyielding in purpose, and unstoppable in faith, for the harvest is ripe, the laborers are few, and the time is now!

-Dr. Nicardo Delahaye, Executive Secretary, Northeastern Conference.