The Northeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (NEC) held its Winter Workers’ Meeting at the Community Worship Center of Seventh-day Adventists, NY, on January 13, 2025. The Conference administrators, namely Dr. Eldeen C. King, President, Dr. Nicardo Delahaye, Executive Secretary, and Dr. Brian McDonald, CFO/ Treasurer, presented reports of the great things God has been performing in NEC through His people.

Pictured – Dr. Eldeen C. King speaking to the workers at the meeting.

The guest presenter for the meetings was Dr. Carlton P. Byrd, President of the Southwest Region Conference of Seventh-day Adventists with headquarters in Dallas, TX. Dr. Byrd shared unique insights with pastors, directors, principals, and office staff on creatively sharing their faith and providing ministry. He provided additional guidance to pastors on effective evangelism, drawing from his decades of experience.

Pictured – Dr. Carlton P. Byrd presenting to the workers.

During the workers’ meeting, there was a session titled ‘Meet the Authors’ that highlighted the accomplishments of several authors within the NEC family. Dr. Ainsworth Morris, Special Assistant to the President, introduced the authors and their books to the audience. Included among the featured authors were Dr. Warner A. Richards, Dr. Michael Harvey, Dr. Samuel Blair, Dr. Marlving P. Charlet, Dr. Ferron Francis, and Dr. Sednak Yankson.

Pictured above – Dr. Ainsworth Morris and Dr. Marlving P. Charlet (author) in ‘Meet the Authors’ segment.

Prayer permeated the entire meeting from beginning to end, accompanied by singing that deepened attendees’ relationship with God. The camaraderie among the colleagues was clear to see. As the sessions reached their peak, Pastor Raymond Alcock from the Christian Fellowship Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brooklyn, NY, delivered an inspiring charge that urged everyone to live lives dedicated to greater service to God.