The Northeastern Conference delegates voted Dr. Eldeen King as Executive Secretary for Northeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Let us keep Dr. King in prayer as he serves Northeastern Conference in this new capacity.
ELDEEN CORNWALL KING was born on the beautiful Caribbean island of Antigua, better known as the “Gem of the Caribbean.” He is the last of ten (10) children born to the late Roland and Albertha King, who taught him at an early age to love, trust and honor God. As a youth, he always took an active part in church activities and was given the opportunity to preach his first sermon at the age of 14. Pastor King completed his primary and secondary education in Antigua, West Indies and Montreal, Canada. He is a graduate of Oakwood University, NY Theological Seminary, Blanton-Peale Institute of Religion and Health, and also a graduate of Hebrew Union College with a doctoral degree.
Pastor King received his first pastoral assignment from the East Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventist where he was assigned to the Castries District on the island of St. Lucia. He was placed under the supervision of Pastor Alfred Lewis. That experience has shaped and formed his ministry even to this day.
Upon returning to North America with the intention of continuing his education, Pastor King was offered the opportunity to work for the Northeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventist. For over 30 years he has been privileged and blessed to have pastored these congregations: Cambridge SDA Church (Cambridge, Massachusetts), Gethsemane SDA Church (Brockton, Massachusetts), Springfield Gardens SDA Church (Queens, NY), Mt. Vernon SDA Church (Mt. Vernon, NY), Christian Fellowship SDA Church (Brooklyn, NY), East NY SDA Church (Brooklyn, NY), Bethel SDA Church (Brooklyn, NY) and Brooklyn Faith SDA Church (Brooklyn, NY). Also, under his supervision 4 missions were organized in the sisterhood of churches. Presently, he serves as the pastor of
Emmaus SDA Church (Brooklyn, NY).
Pastor King was given the opportunity to serve the church in various capacities, i.e., member of the Northeastern Conference Executive Committee, K to 12 Education Board, Atlantic Union College Board, Northeastern Conference Grievance Committee, Ordination Committee and the North American Division Executive Committee. His ministry has given him the opportunity to preach in various islands in the West Indies, the United States, Canada, and Africa. His life and ministry have been complimented by his union to the former R. Lorraine Phillips of Newport News, Virginia. She is a graduate of Oakwood University and Andrews University. She has been an Educator for over 25 years. She is a lady of depth, style and elegance. This union has been blessed with 2 wonderful sons, Andrew Stuart and Alden Scott, who in turn have given them 2 wonderful daughters, Fabianna and Deshaunda and 5 delightful grandchildren. Pastor King is honored by the call of God upon his life and is privileged to have the opportunity to be a servant of the Lord. His life and ministry are governed by the words of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord of host.” Zec. 4:6.